Friday, July 10, 2009

Nail biting

I recently read about gateway drugs and sometimes gateway eating. A gateway drug is like when you smoke pot then you have to do crack next to get that same sensation. Gateway eating is when you have a bread stick then have to have a slice of pizza. So what happens when you bite your nails? Do you ever finish biting those nails and think man I could go for some finger food right now? Sure licking some barbecue sauce a stray index finger is fine. But you need to know when to stop, and Cannibalism is never ok. Sure you may get going on a really nasty hang nail and think hey maybe I should kill my neighbor and grill him with up some pineapple mango sauce. But the answer is no! Sure he might be tender and delicious but that doesn't give you the right to marinate him in a red wine medley and slow roast him for a Sunday brunch that's just not ok. So try and think next time you decide to bite your nails that maybe just maybe you wont be able to stop with just one bite. You sick freak.


Becky said...

You really put too much thought into this. Is your neighbor finger licking good?

Anonymous said...

I was wondering about gateway killings. Maybe the first is with a rifle from long range, but that leads to sticking the next one with an ice pick. Then grilling.

Tonia said...

I'm going to stop biting my nails

K J SHENOY said...

My nail have exhausted. Ther is nothing more to bite. well composed. congrats