Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Six Degrees of desperation

Six degrees of separation (also referred to as the "Human Web") refers to the idea that, if a person is one step away from each person they know and two steps away from each person who is known by one of the people they know, then everyone is at most six steps away from any other person on Earth. It was popularized by a play written by John Guare.

On the other hand Six degrees of Desperation (also referred to as my "dating pool") refers to the idea that, If I make a big enough idiot of myself that people tell and retell the story of my idiocy. That if each person tells just one other person they know that eventually every girl on the planet will know me as "that guy." This theory has been percolating in the back of my mind since the days of Lorena Bobbit. She did one incredibly idiotic thing and now her dating pool is 0 based on the same series of events.

So basically it comes down to this; on a small scale I tested it out by telling just one girl in the office I work at something stupid I did. By the end of the day every girl in the entire office had that "I know what you did" look as I passed by. Bringing this to a big scale I and the amount of time I spend doing stupid things that people talk about I am guessing that in 6 months time I will be un-datable.
(What stupid thing did I do that I told a coworker about? I'm sure if you read half of my past blogs you will figure it out eventually.)


Calais said...

I'm sure that there's someone out there who doesn't mind you.
You can't be that bad.

Tonia said...

Well, there was one time, you know, with the.....
Actually, I am guessing that you decided to get the coworker a Diet Coke (cause that's what she always has) and she decided you had just called her fat. Then you told that long ago story to another girl (you know, looking for a little logic and sympathy) and instead got a bunch of stares by the end of the day that said, 'why don't guys get it?'
Makes sense to me.

Anna said...

GUmmi Bears has a theme song??? What?

Becky said...

Thank heavens Tonia was a tom boy, and the rest of you (Nate not included) are guys. Never had to figure you out.

Anonymous said...

hah This is so true. One false step and everyone is talking about how you accidently tripped and fell right on top of that birthday cake for your co-worker and then walked around with icing in your ear for the rest of the day.

At least in another 6 weeks someone else will do something stupid and steal your place as "that guy" right?

Let's hope it's something really big.

Brian O'Mara-Croft, Author, Lost in the Hive said...

Hey, what's the big deal? I'm "that guy." Have been for, um, forty-plus years.

Anonymous said...

Are you alive??? I havent seen a new post for you in 2 weeks. You were the reason I even got into blogging..... COME BAAAACK!!!!

Syden said...

Sorry folks I have been very ill for a few months and just haven't had it in me to be all that funny. As soon as I figure out what the heck is wrong with me I'll be back.

Becky said...

we miss you