Friday, August 8, 2014

Good Day

I was having a pretty good day. My hair fell in a way I wish I could permanently have it but probably will never see again. My cloths felt like they fit better than they ever have. But best of all that strange smell in my house went away on its own after no effort at all from me to locate and contain it. I went to the store because let’s face it when you have a great day other people need to see it. I could feel a pretty cashier smiling at me and my confidence soared. This is the point that my brain decided to help remember that embarrassing thing I did when I was in high school. I attempted to pull up from the strange shame spiral. But my brain countered with every stupid thing I have ever said to a girl. So I guess it’s back to sweatpants and sitting alone in the dark. Thanks for nothing brain.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

A plea to movie makers

So there are a few stupid things that film makers do that will instantly ruin a perfectly good movie. One is shaky cam. You just spent 35 million dollars to show me an amazing fight scene and the camera is shaking about so much that I can’t see what the hell is going on! It is nauseating overused and I am done with movies that think it’s artistic. It is not artistic it is lazy, that’s right lazy. You are trying to add confusion to a scene and you decided that instead of letting your work speak for itself you thought I’ll give the audience vertigo and make them puke stop it! The second is sound editing and I don’t think that this one gets enough attention. Lots of people complain about shaky cam but poor sound is one that everyone has an example but the outrage just isn’t there. Let me explain what I am taking about. You rent a movie that you have been dying to see but just couldn’t make it to the theater for whatever reason. You get home and in the first couple of minutes adjust the volume on your TV to the right level so you can sit back and lose yourself in the movie. But then the action starts and all of the sudden your ear drums are being blasted out of your head. So once again you adjust the volume this time down. But talking starts up again and it is too damn low to hear what they are saying. So then you spend the whole movie with the remote in your hand trying not to get blasted by explosions or miss important dialog. Level out the damn sound! I know that you think THX Surround sound in the theater is the only thing you have to worry about when making a movie. But most of your money is going to come from after sales and I assume you want your body of work to be one that stands up to the test of time. So please do your damn job and stop releasing movies where the volume is so skewed that it ruins the whole experience

Thursday, July 31, 2014

I'm Back

So I have decided to start writing on my blog again and just not tell anyone to see what happens. It has been 4 years since I stopped writing. I had just moved to a new job and didn’t have an abundance of free time like I used to at my old job. But more and more I am considering writing a book in my free time and I know in order to do that one must commit to writing every day. So to sort of jump start being in my own writing head space again I am re-launching Insomniacs Guide to the World. I hope you all enjoy it. A little about me before I start up again so that you know where I am coming from. I am a single white male early 30’s. I was forced to stop working because of a chronic pain upon which I found out that somehow I had blown out 3 discs in my back and I started my journey through specialist hell. So I am sure that I will talk a bit about pain how it affects people and personal insights. All with my standard good cheer of course but with a dash of bitterness tinged with real pain. I am sure I have lost most of my regular readers but I am sure this will remedy itself in time. Or not I am not really writing this for others but for myself. However I do appreciate comments they let me know that someone out there actually reads this crap and that makes me feel all special inside. Stay tuned more to come.